Metropolis download

Metropolis (2001)

7.2 / 10


Plot Summary

Metropolis is a visually stunning, rich, and memorable pleasure. It's contributors have brought us other classics such as Astroboy and Akira. The story takes place in the muti-leveled, fascinating, megalopolis called Metropolis. Metropolis is loosely ruled by Duke Red, who is close to presenting his ultimate work, an advanced AI robot girl named Tima. His son; however, is an opponent of AI and resents Tima. Tima finds herself deep within the labyrinth of Meteoplolis. She befriends the kind son of a police officer and begins exploring her new world. When Duke Red's son separates this new friendship, he puts much more at risk than anyone thought possible.

Top Casts

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

Misc. Loudspeaker Voices

Steve Blum

Steve Blum

Acetylene Lamp

Scott Weinger

Scott Weinger


Barbara Goodson

Barbara Goodson



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